Conditions at 5:20p on 10/04/24 |
Temperature: |
77.4° |
Today's High: |
79.1° at
2:58p |
Today's Low: |
66.2° at
7:29a |
Relative Humidity: |
82% |
Dew Point: |
71.5° |
Barometer: |
30.169 in Falling Slowly |
Wind: |
0.0 mph from the SW |
Gusting to: |
2.0 mph |
Today's High: |
7.0 mph at 10:46a |
Wind Chill: |
77.4° |
Heat Index: |
80.8° |
Temperatures in °F |
Rainfall |
Rain Rate: |
0.00 in/hr |
Storm Total: |
0.00 in |
Today: |
0.00 in |
Month to date: |
0.03 in |
Year to date: |
49.40 in |
Almanac |
Sunrise: |
7:19a |
Sunset: |
6:59p |
Moon Phase: |
Waxing Crescent |
Davis Weather Station Forecast |
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours |
WXII 12 Weather Watcher |